Sponsor Spotlight: Bluehost

Thank you Bluehost for being a WordCamp Champion sponsor again for WordCamp Norway. Your help and support is much appreciated!


Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over one million WordPress sites. Their goal is to provide outstanding hosting services and customer support for the best possible price. Bluehost is also constantly innovating and upgrading their services and infrastructure at no additional cost to their customers. Join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how they can help you with your site.

Sponsor Spotlight: PlanetHoster

We are very pleased to have PlanetHoster as another WordCamp Champion sponsor this year. Thank you for your support!


PlanetHoster offers premium hosting solutions to WordPress users worldwide. Whether it’s shared hosting, managed VPS, dedicated servers and much more, PlanetHoster’s customers report that these affordable, feature-packed hosting solutions exceed their expectations. Their certified engineers are very experienced with WordPress. They work hard to assure that your WordPress site will run very fast and will be hosted in a secure, 24/7 monitored environment. If you want to offer the best latency to your visitors by being hosted whether in Europe or in North America, PlanetHoster might be right for you.

PlanetHoster offre aux utilisateurs de WordPress partout dans le monde des solutions d’hébergement web premium. Que ce soit de l’Hébergement Mutualisé, des Serveurs Cloud, des Serveurs Dédiés et bien plus, l’Hébergement Web de PlanetHoster surpassera certainement vos attentes. Leurs techniciens certifiés sont très expérimentés avec WordPress. Vous pouvez être assuré que votre site web WordPress se chargera très rapidement et sera hébergé dans un environnement sécuritaire & surveillé 24/7. Offrez la meilleure latence à vos visiteurs en étant hébergé en Europe (France) ou en Amérique du Nord (Canada)!
PlanetHoster, Host Your World.

WordCamp Norway 2015 Tickets Are Now On Sale!

WordCamp Norway 2015 is now listed on WordCamp Central’s “Upcoming WordCamps” and we are very excited to announce that tickets for WordCamp Norway 2015 are now officially available.

You can grab them here now!

We’ll be announcing speakers and a schedule over the upcoming weeks so make sure to check back here for updates and follow us @WordCampNorway on Twitter.

If you are looking for accommodations close to the venue we’ve got a limited amount of rooms reserved at the Comfort Hotel Xpress for a discounted price. To book rooms you can call +47 22 03 11 00 or send an email to xpress.youngstorget@choice.no and with the booking discount code 1104R117511. There is no breakfast service included at the hotel but they have informed us you can buy a selection of fruit, juice, yogurt, crackers, etc. at reception. The hotel will also recommend places nearby you can buy breakfast.

Also, please note that these reserved rooms for WordCamp attendees will be released by 23/01/2014.

We look forward to seeing you in February!

We’ve Got a Venue!

We’re very excited to announce that we’ve got a venue for WordCamp Norway 2015!

Kulturkirken JAKOB


WordCamp Norway 2015 will be held at JAKOB Church of Culture (Kulturkirken JACKOB).

In the past we’ve had the event at a hotel conference area and we decided to change things up this year based on the feedback we’ve received over the past 3 years about WordCamp Norway in general. Most of the things people like about WordCamp Norway was the time we were able to spend together in the hotel lobby and having everyone fireside at the after-party. We’d like to take this even further this time with a venue that will allow us to be more unified and a better environment to both learn WordPress, share knowledge, get to know our local community here in Norway better and have fun!

Another great thing about JAKOB is how close it is to the center of Oslo. We’ve previously been somewhat outside and this should make getting in from the airport, finding hotels and planning any activities much easier.

We’ve also booked the venue for the entire day on Saturday and plan on having both the main event and after party at this location.

We can’t wait for what’s in store for WordCamp Norway 2015 and will keep updating you with speaker, schedule, sponsor and further announcements as they come here!

– The WordCamp Norway 2015 Organizing Team

Welcome to WordCamp Norway

We’re very happy to announce the official dates for WordCamp Norway!

WordCamp Norway 2015 will be held on the 7-8 of February.

Last year was such a great event and we cannot wait to make it even better. We look forward to keeping you updated here with details around the venue/location, speakers, sponsors & attendees along with a schedule of events.

Also, make sure to follow us at @WordCampNorway on Twitter.

– The WordCamp Norway Organizing Team